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Seymour Island, Antarctica
Geologic Map of Seymour Island
Geologic sketch map of the Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Legend: 1 – recent fluvioglacial deposits, 2 – La Meseta Formation (Eocene), 3 – Cross valley Formation (Early late Paleocene), 4 - Sobral Formation, unit 4 (Early Paleocene), 5 – Sobral Formation, unit 3 (Early Paleocene), 6 – Sobral Formation, unit 2 (Early Paleocene), 7 – Sobral Formation, unit 1 (Early Paleocene, 8 – Lopez de Bertodano Formation, unit 10 (Late Maastrichtian – Early Paleocene), 9 – Lopez de Bertodano Formation, units 1-9, 10 – Basaltic dikes.
Glauconite Sandstone
Cross Bedding in Glauconitic Sandstone
LaMeseta Formation
Valley in LaMeseta Formation
Differential Weathering
Differential Weathering
Hummocky Cross Stritification
Hummocky Cross-Stratification
Fossils Antarctodorwinella elliotti Zinsmeister
Layered glauconitic sandstone
Layered Glauconitic sandstone unit of the Sobral Formation
Sobral Formation and penguins.
Cross bedding Sobral Formation
Fossilized vertebra of the shark skeleton
Maastrichtian, Lopez de bertodano Formation
An unconformity between Sobral (below) and Cross Valley formations.
Large broken concretions on the foreground are from the Sobral Formation
Cross bedding and planar beds.
La Meseta Formation
Loosely consolidated sand and silt material.
Fossil mollusks in Unit 10 of the Lopez de Bertodano Formation
Click on the photo for a larger photo and more information on the geological photos of Seymoru Island of Antarctica
Coastal cliffs
Coastal cliffs formed by the unit 10 of the Lopez de Bertodano Formation
La Meseta Formation
Consolidated fine sands of the La Meseta Formation
Diplomoceras Maximum
Diplomoceras maximum from loosely consolidated sand of the Maastrichtian Lopez de bertodano Formation.
heteromorphy ammonite Diplomooceras maximum
Maastrichtian Lopez de bertodano Formation.
Hard calcareous nodules (concretions) with wood branches inside
Hard calcareous nodules
Lopez de bertodano Formation
Ammonite “grave-yard”
Maorites ammonites
Lopez de Bertodano Formation packed with Maorites ammonites.
Ammonites (mainly Pachydiscus ultimus) in concretions
Ammonites from unit 10 of the Lopez de Bertodano Formation.
Sharp ridge with dark angular pieces of rock is basaltic dike.
Outcrops of the unit 10 of the Lopez de Bertodano Formation
Small alluvial cone of fine sand and silt .
Small alluvial cone of fine sand and silt of the La meseta Formation